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About Course Climber

Welcome to Course Climber! Course Climber was started by a group of faculty from a variety of colleges, universities, and high schools, whose goal was to enable other instructors to provide a more interactive environment and create learning communities within their classes. Through many years of experimenting with active learning methodologies in our own classes, we found that the content and support material needed to be truly effective with this style of teaching didn’t exist, so we have been creating it ourselves. Our interactive video books have allowed us to greatly improve our interactions with our students, even in very large classes, and to implement teaching methodologies that have resulted in dramatic improvements in performance across the full spectrum of students in our classes. And our students have loved the experience, with over 87% indicating that they prefer it to a traditional classroom experience.
We are currently offering video books for several university engineering and physical sciences courses and for high school AP Physics courses, and are piloting several other courses. If you are an instructor and would like more information or are interested in trying out a Course Climber video book for your class, please contact us at